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Festivals (Mo'edims)
The Mo’edim (Appointed Times) of YAHUAH
There are Festival Appointments or Holidays called Mo’edim in Hebrew, that YAHUAH has given as times for HIS people to meet with HIM collectively to worship HIM. Though YAH’S people should worship HIM daily, HE commanded these as HIS called appointed times to meet with them.
There is one weekly appointment and eight annual appointments.
In Wayyiqra (Leviticus), YAHUAH gave to Mosheh specific times when His people are to worship Him. Lev 23:2 “Speak to the children of Yisra’ěl, and say to them, ‘The appointed times of יהוה, (YAHUAH) which you are to proclaim as set-apart gatherings, My appointed times."
Festivals & Mo'edims
Weekly Appointment
Ha Shabbath (The Sabbath) – the seventh day of the weekly cycle of days (Saturday). Established at creation by YAHUAH to indicate HIS completion of creation and establish a complete rest from activity. It is also listed as the fourth command of Torah, in Shemoth (Exodus) 20:8-11.
Pesach (Passover)
Pesach appointment occurs on the 14th day of the first Hebrew month called Abib. It involves the memorial of the redemption of the people of YAH, past, present & future. The past, the redemption from Mitzrayim (Egypt), the present, redemption from sin through MOSHIACH and the future, redemption from mortality.
Hag HaMatzah (Days of unleavened bread)
Hag HaMatzah begins the evening of the 15th in the first Hebrew month of its calendar and continues 7 days until the 21st day of that same month. Nothing with leaven is consumed or harbored in our homes. Matzah or unleavened bread alone is the only type of bread eaten for the seven days. It is the memorial of the bread eaten at the time of the departure from Mitzrayim (Egypt). It is also the memorial of the body of MOSHIACH YAHUSHA whose body was broken for HIS people as the pure bread of life.
Yom Hanafat Omer (Feast of Firstfruit Wave)
Yom hanafat Omer or Day of Firstfruits, occurs the day after the first weekly shabbat during the days of Hag KaMatzah. A memorial of Yisrael passing through the ‘Sea of Reeds’ as it parted and they coming up on the next side. It is also the memorial of the resurrection of MOSHIACH YAHUSHA as ‘First Fruit’ from the dead in resurrection.
Shabout (Pentecost)
The day after the seventh shabbat counting from the first Shabbat after the First Fruit Wave. Shabout (Pentecost) marks is the 50th day from the First Fruit Wave and is the memorial Holiday Appointment of giving of the Torah at Sinai and also the immersion in the RUACH HAKODESH upon YAHUSHA’S Apostles in the Upper Room.
Yom Teruah (Day of Blowing)
The first day of the seventh month on the Hebrew calendar called Ethanim. It is a memorial of blowing of Shafaroth (Trumpets, Ram Horns). It is a reminder of the promised first resurrection to immortality for the believers in ELOHIM.
Yom HaKippurim (Day of Atonement or Covering)
The tenth day of the seventh month, Ethanim. It is the memorial of the national cleansing and atonement for YAH’S people. It teaches us of the removal of anything that defiles or could be held against YAH’S people. Also the time of the great prophetic battle at Har Megiddo (Armageddon) when MOSHAICH YAHUSHA subjects the nations while binding and sealing ha Shatan (Satan, Dragon) in the deep pit for one thousand years.
Shemeni Atzaret (Eighth Day)
The last and closing annual Appointment Festival that occur on 22nd day of Ethanim and the end of Hag Sukkot. It is a reminder of the promise of creation perfected and restored existing for eternity.
Annual Appointments
Hag Sukkot (Feast of Booths/Tabernacles)
The seventh annual Appointment of YAHUAH that is for seven days, beginning on the 15th day of Ethanim and continues to the 21st day of Ethanim. It is a memorial of the Yisrael’s wilderness experience, when YAHUAH’S Presence was in the midst, appearing on the lid of the Ark of Covenant which was kept in the ‘Tent’. This Appointment is also a reminder to the believers in MOSHIACH YAHUSHA of HIS one thousand year reign on earth and we shall reign with HIM.