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Our History

YAHUAH, according to His will desired to establish a Natzarim Congregation of Yisraelites in the Bahamas. To herald the restoration of Yisrael and the return of Messiah YAHUSHA, moved on a young man Alex B. Ferguson, to establish a Hebrew house study group in 1999.

The study grew and became a congregation of Believers accepted and aligned with Messianic Israel Alliance, St. Cloud, Florida, in 2000. Continuing to be led by the Ruach Hakodesh, BYNE continued its' growth and development by establishing the Bahamas first All age Natzarim Yeshiva (Academy). Also, YAHUAH used BYNE to establish a congregation in Port Au Prince, Haiti while obeying congregational request from Andra Prasesh Provinces, South India.

Today BYNE continues to expand its support networks to other Torah based communities in the Caribbean, USA and Canada.

Pillars of the Natzarim Faith

1)YHWH ELOHIM created everything in the heavens, earth, seas and all that fills them, spirit, flesh, elements & vegetation.(Ber.1&2)

2)YHWH does not change. HE is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Mal’aki 3:6)

3)YHWH’S WORD, whether FLESH (YAHUSHA), spoken, and written, is eternal, does not change, is consistent & always accomplishes what it was sent to do. (Yesh.55:10,11)

4)YHWH does not lie. HE always does what HE says HE will do. Keeping covenants to a thousand generations. Of those that love HIM and keep HIS commands (Ibrim 6:17,18)

Who is Beyt Yisrael Natzarim Edah

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